Where Does It Go?

September 8, 2008 at 6:35 pm 3 comments

I am meeting up with a friend for dinner today, and I am going to bring food from home since we are just meeting in the park. This will help me save some money and help me with my goal of using up what I have. If I don’t eat these leftovers tonight they will probably go bad, and I still have Thai food leftovers from last week to finish as well.

I need to save money, because I’ve already almost completely spent my money for the week. If I am subtracting the $11 I went over budget last week then I have only $3 to make it through the rest of this week. Therefore, I think I am probably just going to consider the budget to reset every week so that I don’t get too discouraged. I could make it on only three dollars. I have food in the house and at work. I’m hoping to play DDR with my friends on Wednesday though, and I usually spend at least $5 on that. I don’t want to cut out all fun or be too hard on myself, or I won’t stick with this.

Where did all the money go already? As I predicted, going away was expensive. I messed up and failed to bring a sandwich with me for the road, so that made it worse. It really ended up being a fairly cheap weekend though, and it was worth every penny. The predicted terrible weather stayed away most of Friday and I got to go out on the lake in a boat, and swim a teensy bit (really just hung out in the lake. I did not kayak or water ski like my friends did, because I am a wimp. Still, as I mentioned, I think the weekend was worth it, especially if I keep my spending in check for the rest of the week to make up for it.

Where does your money tend to go? Do you spend more on the weekends or throughout the week? I think before I ate sandwiches all the time and brought lunch I would end up spending more during the week even if I didn’t have any big single expenses.

Entry filed under: being unfrugal, goals. Tags: , .

Goal#1 Update Sunshine & Snowflakes

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Ali  |  September 8, 2008 at 8:09 pm

    I am a bizarre breed of human that spends little to no money on the weekends even though she spends her weekends out of the house. It was initially weird for me because it wasn’t like this when I was younger, but I stopped thinking of the weekends as the only time to have fun and go out and I don’t think it’s because I work weekends. Anyway, I usually go out on weeknights and do all of my shopping on weekdays because they tend to be the least crowded, cheapest times to go places and I hate crowds and love cheap things.

    I’m glad you had a fun trip!

  • 2. debtfreesaver  |  September 9, 2008 at 1:01 pm

    Ali – It might not be because you work weekends, but I definitely think having more free time during the day on weekdays gives you the option of spending then instead.

  • 3. Ali  |  September 11, 2008 at 1:04 pm

    Yeah, although having free time on weekdays usually means that I do a big fat nothing. I’m usually too lazy to go out and it’s not that much fun hanging out with myself when I go out during the day on a Wednesday.

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